Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Whether Carl Rove will be indicted remains to be seen. Special Prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, is, it seems, keeping that decision in abeyance. Where indictments are concerned, however, we believe that "PlameGate" will begin and end, legally, with Libby.

Libby was, until his resignation, Vice President Dick Cheney's "Chief of Staff". Technically, (if one believes the Vice President's position is relevant), Libby's position was more exhalted than Rove's. Looking laterally at the ranking of White House officialdom, Libby's position was equal to that of Andrew Card (Bush's Chief of Staff). Obviously, Card is not going to be indicted for anything, (and, as far as we know, should not be) and we believe Rove will remain similarly untouched. Whether he is entitled to such a pass is debatable, but we think the teflon coat tails of the president will most probably attach to his close friend and advisor.

And what all this amounts to (with or without political sugar coating) is the assignment of a fall guy's role to Scooter Libby. He is charged with Obstruction of Justice and Perjury, and it is quite likely that of all the administration prevaricators only he will stand trial. More importantly, what will not be tried is the essence of the entire "PlameGate" brouhaha; the horrendously unfortunate war in Iraq. No less than Fitzgerald himself has made that clear. Indeed, his indictments of Libby relate only perhipherally to that issue. And his task was never intended to frame an argument for or against the war. In fact, if there is to be a debate or on-going discussion of that matter, it will not ensue in court.

Doubtless Patrick Fitzgerald does not think of Scooter Libby as a fall guy. But we can rest assured that no less than Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, and Carl Rove do. And, at this juncture, they are breathing easy. Only the indictment of Rove will restart their recent hyperventilation. And that is unlikely..................................



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