Thursday, December 29, 2005


Whenever we write a blog, decide we are satisfied with the finished product, and click on the button marked "Publish", we are given the illusion that something we have created will now be in the public domain and that readers enamored of our view points (and our stylish prose) will immediately tune-in and read our latest bits of wisdom. Wrong!

While it may be technically true that we have been published (on-line), it is also true, in the main, that no one is waiting with baited breath to read our latest epistle. If the number of comments we have received is any indication of this blog's popularity, it is highly likely we may be our only reader. And that is a reality akin to publishing a book and never selling so much as one copy. And it is nothing new. We had a grandfather who, at the height of World War II self-published a self-serving piece entitled MASTER OF MEN. He cajoled a local book store in to displaying five or six copies in its window, even advertising that the author was a "well known citizen of the area"; and not one single copy of his "masterpiece" was ever sold. And even the free copies he distributed to family members were never read. The book was simply dreadful.

And we may be experiencing a similar syndrome. A friend whom we directed to this blog site called recently and complained that he could not figure out how to read anything on the site, that he had not actually found anything we had written, and that if he had he was certain he would disagree with every word. Fortunately, we have not directed any enemies to the site.

So, blogging (at least for those of who are essentially unknown) is a form of mental masturbation. It is a way of being "published" without earning a legitimate right to do so, and it is satisfying mainly because it allows the writer(s) to vent, to sound off (even if no one is listening), and to hope (idly we fear) that somewhere, somehow, a kindred soul might stumble on to the site and offer similar views, or even a compliment or two on our writing. But, while a million bloggers grind out new stuff every day, they are not talking to each other. And faux publishing is the contemporary way of strutting around like the emperor who had no clothes. He was invisble. So are most bloggers.................



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