Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Following the Republican Party's convention in the summer of '99, this observer concluded that a Bush/Cheney administration might be a greater disaster than the Johnstown Flood. We were wrong. This administration has proven to be far worse than anything we might have imagined.Comparatively, the Johnstown Flood was nothing. And the accounting of this administration's failures, which seem to grow daily, has a frightening three more years before it finally gives way to something more reasonable.

Were it not so horrendously expensive in terms of human suffering, lives lost, and money squandered, the litany of Bush/Cheney's tenure would almost be humorous. Indeed, if we could overlook their brazen behavior, their hypocritical approach to sensitive issues, and their insistence that they are right (when it is so patently obvious they are wrong), their record of stupidity could be laughable. And, when the history of this era is written, we suspect that some inordinately generous chroniclers of the times may color the period with a patina of amusement. But, for the nonce, we can only look forward to being awakened when it's over.

But stop, there is is more. This last weekend our inestimable vice president, Dick Cheney, went Quail hunting. (Why are we not surprised that this pseudo-macho product of the Wyoming hinterland would want to shoot birds in Texas? ) But, whether the veep bagged any birds is no longer relevant. He did bag a well known (and elderly) Texas attorney. Whether he was shooting from the hip (a process to which he seems regularly disposed), is unknown. But we do know that he reared up, pulled the trigger of his .28 guage scattergun, and almost turned his unwitting victim in to a Swiss cheese. The lawyer, 78 year old Harry Whittington, a long time Republican supporter from Austin, sustained an unknown number of hits, a (mild) heart attack, and, no doubt, a bruised ego. And Cheney, not one to readily own up to his failings, saw his pal hustled to a hospital, had a hurried dinner, implored silence, and flew back to Washington (not, we understand, on the wings of a dove). And the announcement of this horrible happentance did not occur until more than twelve hours after it transpired. And the fact that any announcement was made may be the outcome of a decision by the owner of the south Texas ranch on which this drama was played out. But for her notion that the public might have a right to know, this incident might still be under wraps.

It turns out that Cheney had a Texas hunting license. But he did not have the so-called Bird Stamp (available for seven bucks) required for shooting avians. Nor did he have a license to shoot an old Republican attorney. Fortunately, Texas law did not require that encumbrance. And the Kenedy County Sheriff, who was reluctantly allowed to investigate the circumstances, has concluded that the whole thing was an accident and that Cheney, and his party, should get nothing more than a warning for failure to have bird stamps. And Cheney, for his part, has assured Texas that his seven dollar check (albeit ex post facto) is "in the mail".

We are tempted, of course, to make reference to the gang who couldn't shoot straight. But that would be unfair. And, in this case it would also be inaccurate. With a shotgun Cheney can shoot straight. It is only his mouth which seems incapable of accuracy. And, being part of the current administration, nothing could be less surprising. And we should not be taken aback by the administration's failure (and obvious reluctance) to reveal this story when it happened. It is perfectly in character that we had to wait. (And, perhaps in this instance, we were even treated to a few globules of truth.) Overall, however, this episode is virtually identical to so many other mishandled events by this administration. Be it the war in Iraq, the screw-ups in Afghanistan, the inexcusable bungling of Katrina, the NSA use of illegal wire taps, the setting up of Scooter Libby, or any number of other scofflaws, this is simply another in the lengthening list. And this latest mishap gives a whole new meaning to idea that they are shooting themselves in the foot.
These guys should definitely not be allowed to have guns; not individually, not collectively, not at all...............................