Thursday, January 05, 2006


Good old Pat Robertson; he has a biblical explanation (or profound pronouncement) for every cataclysmic event on the globe. And his latest chapter of claptrot is his suggestion that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's recent stroke is punishment from God for "dividing" Israel. And this comes from the same guy who regularly condemns anyone (group or individual) who clashes with his fundamentalist views of a world completely in the grips (as he sees it) of God's will. Oppose the notion of "intelligent design" (creationism in its current, thinly veiled, disguise) and you might as well plan on spending eternity in hell. Katrina was God's work, punishing folks, apparently, for being unfortunate enough to live in an area which, by Robertson's lights, is sinful. And heaven (won't) help those who fail to recognize the wrath of God (and Pat Robertson) when they see it. Nonsense of the highest order!

We will not attack the bible. It does not need our approbation, and it deserves better than our critique. But is has, no doubt unintentionally, spawned the likes of Pat Robertson. And the man is a moron. If God does have us in his grip; if He does preside over all human events, perhaps He could take the time to remind His disciple, Reverend Robertson, that he is nutsy-fagin; that he does not know what he's talking about, and that, in the interest of preserving his good standing as a Christian, (with a capitol C) that he should shut-up.



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